endomorphism ring

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endomorphism ringendomorphism ring
  1. Endomorphism ring of additive group of a ring


  2. Finally , the endomorphism ring of radical-projective modules is discussed .


  3. The representations of matrix of endomorphism ring of finitely generated Abel groups


  4. A subring of the endomorphism ring of an additive group


  5. The Structure of N-order Idempotent of the Endomorphism Ring in the Linear Manifold


  6. Graded Endomorphism Ring of G-set Graded Module


  7. The Endomorphism ring of the additive group of a ring is discussed in this paper . Then we get an extension of Cayley theorem in ring category .


  8. It gets some results about the relation between the direct summands of an additive group and the summands of the endomorphism ring of this additive group .


  9. In this paper , the endomorphism ring of a homocyclic group is studied , and the matrix representation of its automorphism group is given . Finally , the order of its automorphism group is calculated .


  10. We prove that the endomorphism ring of semi - ∑ - quasi-projective module P has stable range at most n provided P is weakly n-epi-projective . Consequently , we partially generalize a main result in [ 3 ] .


  11. Constructing a subring of the endomorphism ring of an additive group at first , this paper gets some results about the existence of the identity of the subring , and the relation between the direct summand of the additive group and the identity of the subring .
